As Independence Day lurks just around the corner, I've been taking some time to consider the great American spirit of self-reliance. As Americans, we are masters of our destinies. We need not seek the help of others to reach our goals. We are ... invincible... [said with whispered awe]
Of course, that's crazy. Whatever you may think of what it means to be an American, there is nothing wrong in asking for a little bit of help. At the very least, it is a good idea to let people know what your goals are. You never know who might be able to help you. It might just be that helping you is exactly what that other person has been looking for.
For instance, I am a little over 70% finished with my masters degree program. Come December, I will have a masters degree in curriculum with a focus on technology integration. (Impressive, right? I'm thinking of having a superhero costume made of textbook pages, chalk dust, and the logo "CM" emblazoned in sticky tack on the front standing for CURRICULUM MASTER! Don't worry - no spandex). During the previous spring semester, I sent an email to one of my professors to say how much I liked her job, and I asked her how I could take it. So, when a position as grader came up this summer, I was lucky enough to get that position. Last night, she wrote me an email asking if I'd be interested in teaching a section for IUPUI in January. I think by taking 30 seconds to write a quick email back in March, I got on her radar, which put me in a position to really go somewhere potentially amazing with my career. All I did was ask.
The little bit of extra income from this will go toward debt-reduction, which is why this is showing up as a post here. Plus, I think it's a lesson that applies to many parts of our lives. If there is something you want, something you need, or something that means a lot to you, share it. Ask it. Post it. Get it out into the universe where it can do some good. The world is generally a good place to be, and it wants to help you. Let it. Just ask.
That is awesome news, Ellen!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Keep us posted where it goes and what happens next!