Monday, November 30, 2009

The Key to Happiness, the Root of All Evil, or Something Else Entirely

Money. We love it. We hate it. We do almost anything to get it. Friendships and marriages have been made and broken over it. There is nothing more important to your happiness and well-being than making as much money as possible, right?

Of course not. Money is very simple. It is a tool to help us get what we need and what we want. It's amazing how much we blame on money that really isn't money's fault. I've never met a farmer who blamed a bad harvest on a shovel or tractor. Money is just one of many tools to use to get the life we want.

My husband and I are going to spend a lot of time in the blog discussing money. Our goal to be debt free in the next 40 months means we need to be wise about how we spend our money. However, our plan is not to try to make more money. If we do, that's great, but most ways we know of making more income involve taking more time away from the things we really love. Instead, we're going to spend as little as possible while trying to make our money work for us as much as possible.

Jason will spend most of his time talking about investments, spreadsheets, and other things I normally don't have to deal with. It isn't that I'm incapable of it, it's just Jason loves it and is much better at it than I am. I will focus my writing on ways to save your money. It doesn't matter what your financial goals are. If you spend frivolously, you're putting your money in areas that aren't that important to you. Whatever you give attention to will grow, and spending money on something is a terrific way to giving something (or someone) attention.

Over the coming weeks and months, I will write short articles describing ways we've accomplished as much as we have on as little as we've made. I hope it helps.

If you feel called to comment, please suggest topics you'd like to learn more about. I'll do as much research as I can, pull from my own experiences, and try to put together something new and insightful for you.

1 comment:

  1. This is exciting! Thanks for sharing and letting us follow along :-)
