For those of us here in the United States, it's Thanksgiving Day, and while my wife and I are thankful for a great many things, one of the things we're most thankful for right now is how well our financial life is going. In an economy that's still in the tank, where countless people are without jobs and are having to make some terrible financial choices, we're not just surviving, but are actually managing to dig ourselves out of the debt hole we've been in ever since we got married. In a good economy, this would be cause for thanks; in today's economy, we are grateful beyond words that we're able to do so much to help our future selves live a financially-free life.
Wherever you are today, whoever you're spending your Thanksgiving with, my wife and I wish you the biggest of blessings in your life, and extend to you our hopes that you'll be able to improve your financial life in the months and years to come.
Happy Thanksgiving.